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The Many Benefits of Berlin Gardens Outdoor Furniture

The Many Benefits of Berlin Gardens Outdoor Furniture

Rarely is a furniture manufacturer so comprehensive in its processes and in its vision as to require a long course in the benefits it can offer. Rare though it may be, the case with Berlin Gardens Furniture is fitting to that occasion.

That’s because it’s hard to summarize what Berlin Gardens Furniture produces. You might have thought from the title of the article that such a list would be a bunch of reasons that their furniture is of supreme quality or something of that nature. While that is true, it does not complete the scope.

Berlin Gardens does produce some of the highest quality furniture for outdoor living out there. But they do more than that. They produce furniture that is good for the earth in more ways than one, they make a healthy style of living possible, and they do this all while making the lives of their employees and their community better. These are the many benefits of Berlin Gardens Outdoor Furniture.

What Berlin Gardens Furniture Makes

Here at Ohio Hardwood Furniture, our specialty is producing quality hardwood furniture from local hardwood stock. Benchmade, hand-finished furniture is the cornerstone of our business, and you will see the same level of quality not only in our furniture but in the furniture we sell from other producers.

Berlin Gardens is known for producing beautifully aesthetic poly furniture for outdoor living. You may have heard us speak in the past of the immutable qualities of handmade hardwood furniture. It’s true, there’s little more attractive than the polished grain of a quartersawn white oak piece of furniture, whatever it be. They last a lifetime, too. So what makes a company that produces furniture from plastic so great? Isn’t plastic production typically bad for the environment? And isn’t plastic weaker and less visually stunning than hardwood?

Usually, yes, but the case with Berlin Gardens couldn’t be further from any of that.

Poly Instead of Wood

The first thing to keep in mind is that Berlin Gardens produces furniture for outdoor living. Their collection of chairs, benches, bars, and more is made from Poly lumber that is made almost entirely from recycled plastic in the form of milk jugs - but more on that in a moment. Why might you want to consider poly lumber over traditional hardwoods for outdoor living when wood is so beautiful and so strong?

Well, the first reason is that Poly lumber requires virtually no maintenance whatsoever. Wood furniture designed for the outdoors will require extensive finishing and aggressive maintenance to keep it viable. In spite of the closest attention, outdoor wood furniture will discolor with time, and even the slightest lapse in maintenance will allow it to spalt or rot, causing a weakening of the structure.

Poly lumber does not need to be finished or even painted and can stand up to just about the most extreme conditions most climates can dish out. It is almost impervious to rotting and moisture, it does not discolor readily and can handle extremes of temperature.

As if it couldn’t get any better, the poly lumber furniture available from Berlin Gardens is visually pleasing as well. At first glance, it even appears to be made from real wood. It’s meticulously detailed, functional, and practical.

That doesn’t mean that poly lumber is better than wood or that wood is better than poly lumber, it only means that each has its own benefits given the circumstances. There’s no denying that poly lumber definitely offers its owners some advantages for outdoor living. There’s more to it than this, though, because typically the production of plastic entails harmful processes. That isn’t the case with the poly lumber that constitutes Berlin Garden Outdoor Furniture.

Their Process

Part of what makes Berlin Gardens Furniture so impressive and unique is that it isn’t produced from plastic just for the sake of it. It isn’t produced from plastic because plastic is cheaper and easier than wood - and it is by no means of the low quality with which plastic is sometimes associated.

Instead, part of the vision of the people behind the works at Berlin Gardens is to help protect and preserve the earth. People already produce tons and countless tons of plastic every year, much of which despite the best practices in recycling and upcycling still ends up in unsavory places.

Berlin Gardens has committed itself to help produce something of fine quality out of the waste of excess. Their poly lumber is produced almost entirely from recycled milk jugs - in fact, any given piece of their furniture is up to 95% recycled plastic.

It all starts with the Berlin Gardens process, which begins with sorting through baled recyclables to select only the highest quality plastics from the lot as part of their quality control. Using only the finest of recycled plastics is part of the key to producing quality finished recycled furniture, particularly furniture that is as aesthetically pleasing as Berlin Gardens Outdoor Furniture.

They then take that elite stock of recycled materials and grind, wash and melt it before cooling it into plastic pellets that are tested again as a measure of quality control. Those plastic pellets are then remelted and shaped into plastic lumber. That plastic lumber then makes its way to Berlin Gardens, where it is crafted into the beautiful pieces that you have come to recognize.

Why It Matters

The fact that Berlin Gardens does its part to help remove some of that plastic from landfills and the environment goes a long way. People around the world produce somewhere in the ballpark of 300 million tons - 300 million tons - of plastic every year. About half of this production is in plastic for single-use purposes.

That means that after use, that plastic gets tossed. Worst of all, a lot of single-use plastics are so designed in a way that they can’t be functionally recycled. As a result, they end up in landfills and waterways, by the side of the road, or worse.

The oceans are accumulating particulate plastic at an alarming rate. Ecosystems become fundamentally altered over time to handle the strain of pollution. The cycle is unfortunate. Recycling helps, but there is still an impressive amount of plastic that gets dumped onto the earth every year.

Berlin Gardens does what it can to ensure that just a little bit less plastic becomes pollution. Back in the day, when human cultures were primarily agrarian, production came in cycles, rather than being distilled from resources for single use. Circular economics is the way of the future, as they were the way of the past. Berlin Gardens has done its part to help eliminate waste and produce functional, attractive pieces of furniture in the process.

The Company’s Values

There’s more to Berlin Gardens than recycling, repurposing. There’s even more than the quality furniture they produce. The entire process is rooted in the company’s values, which can be concisely summarized in one word: H.E.A.R.T.

More broadly, they are: Honesty, Efficiency, Attitude, Respect, and Trust. The company is colored with those values and it guides every action they take. It guides their recycling process; it guides the manner in which they treat their employees and their partners in business, and it guides them in the quality of the products they produce for their ultimate customers.

Berlin Gardens defines corporate ethics and responsibility, seeking the highest road and the highest standards to guide their conduction of business. They believe by practicing honesty in all of their dealings, seeking efficient processes, maintaining a healthy attitude, and respecting the planet and the entire supply chain, they can make the world a better place. Those values result in trust - trustworthiness of service, trust between employees, trust across the board.

The Benefits of Outdoor Living

It doesn’t end with quality furniture and environmentally friendly processes. The far-ranging benefits of Berlin Gardens Outdoor Furniture go beyond that. They make outdoor living possible, and outdoor living brings with it a large catalog of benefits all on its own. That’s something else that comes as part and parcel to enjoying greater outdoor living and entertainment opportunities with Berlin Gardens Outdoor Furniture.

Outdoor Entertaining Expands Your Home

The first, and perhaps most obvious benefit of outdoor entertaining is that it expands your home and offers additional opportunities for entertainment besides what can be offered indoors. Not only will you have extra space in the back, but you can do just about anything you can do inside and then some.

Perhaps you thought that the outdoors were only for the summer months when the weather was cooperative. Well, that might be true depending on your preferences, but for the more enterprising out there, you can set up a gazebo or a tent and have company gather there when the weather turns sour. You can even heat the outdoor space or build a fire when the weather is colder than usual.

And if you were thinking about the fact that you can’t perform certain other functions outdoors, your creativity is the limit. Outside is away from the kitchen; invest in a grill. Outside doesn’t have a surround system or a TV screen; set up a system or a projector.

On top of the fact that you can set up your outdoor living space as a complement to your indoor living, there are things you can do outside that you can’t do inside. Do you want to set up a horseshoe ring? Maybe have a game of badminton or some other yard sports? You can’t do them inside. Outdoor entertainment gives you the flexibility of new recreational outlets on top of what you could do indoors.

It Relieves Stress

Another great thing about entertaining outdoors is the fact that it is a stress reliever and is good for your health overall. We don’t even feel the need to have to point to a specific study or set of data to prove it. It’s anecdotally and observationally supported that spending time outdoors is holistically good for your health.

Spending time in the outdoors has been noted to relieve feelings of stress in people with stressful lifestyles, as has spending time with friends and loved ones. Getting outdoors is good for your eyes because it gives you a break from looking at the screens of electronics.

Evidently, spending time outdoors can even be good for your immune system, in addition to putting you at lower risk of problems like heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses.

There’s also evidence to support the fact that being outdoors can boost your creativity and that exposure to natural light puts you at a lower risk of creativity. It stimulates the mind, refreshes the senses, and brings you closer to the earth, figuratively and literally. With Berlin Gardens Furniture, it’s never been easier to accomplish all this and do it in style.

So there you have quite a number of reasons to invest in some Berlin Gardens Furniture for your outdoor retreat. It’s beautifully made, resilient in the face of the elements, and does good by the environment when it comes to removing waste. In addition, you can reap some of the benefits of spending time outdoors, which we only touched lightly in this article. There are many more reasons to spend time outside than we suggested in this article; that was only the briefest of exposures to the greatness of spending time outside.

And if you are interested in putting a special touch on your outdoor living space with Berlin Gardens pieces, you’re in the right place to do so. Take a look through our catalog of Berlin Gardens Furniture right here, and outfit your outdoor oasis with some classic tables, glider chairs or swings.

Don’t forget, if you can carve out some time to make a visit to our store in Peninsula, Ohio, that would be even better. You can get a much better impression of a piece of furniture by actually seeing and feeling it, and we’d love to see you in-store too. Take a look through our online catalog, give us a call at 330-657-2095 if you have questions, and make sure to come by soon.